Injections Prevent HIV Infection Successfully Tested With 100% Effectiveness

WHO estimates that there are 39 million HIV patients living in the world with a death rate of around 630,000 per year. A figure that seems high but 20 years ago it was around 2 million a year. The development of medical technology and early treatment successfully removed the stigma of HIV It is a disease that is sure to kill.

Prevention is better than treatment. That is why vaccines and preventive injections are being developed by major pharmaceutical companies. Recently Gillead Sciences announced the success of their clinical trials on the drug Lenacapavir conducted in South Africa and Uganda.

In a trial with 5300 women and girls, Lenacapavir successfully prevented HIV infection in all recipients who were given it by injection twice a year. It is more effective than the drug Truvada which they also developed but requires it to be taken in pill form every day.

The next phase of Lenacapavir testing is being conducted involving transwomen, trans men and men who have sex with men. The results of this test will be announced by the end of 2024. If it also gives good results Gillead Sciences will file an application for Lenacapavir to be approved for use in HIV prevention treatment.

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