Netflix Considers Offering Free Version In Asia

Netflix is ​​now reportedly considering coming up with a free version of the streaming service in some markets, especially in Asia and Europe. With this move, Netflix will be able to continue to increase the number of users, and it can be used to sell advertising through their platform.

This free service is expected to allow Netflix to reach more users – especially in markets that cannot afford to subscribe to the service, or where free TV broadcasts are still popular. However, Netflix is ​​still not very strong in the advertising arena – which will lead to another different challenge.

In comparison, the various video streaming services developed in Asia often come with free and paid versions – where the free version is supported by advertising displays.

Currently, streaming services such as Amazon and Disney use a different method, where they enable ads for all users, and users have to pay more to avoid watching ads.

Previously, Netflix had tested offering a free version with limited content. However, the test was stopped after a while. Let's all look forward to the introduction of different Netflix account variations for several regions moving forward, especially in Asia.

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