Over One Million Malaysians Have Completed "AI For The People" Learning

At the beginning of 2024, the government has introduced a self-learning program on artificial intelligence, called "AI for the People". Through it, it provides basic knowledge related to artificial intelligence, while ensuring that the local people are ready for the new boom in the technology arena.

Now, nearly 6 months after its launch, the Digital Minister shared that more than a million Malaysians have completed learning "AI for the People" so far. This at the same time surpasses the original goal which aims for around a million people to complete their learning within a year.

This figure can be achieved with the support of the Public Service Department which ensures that 100% of its staff complete this program, in addition to the support of the Ministry of Education which encourages widespread involvement. The government has also provided incentives in the form of free admission to the National Science Center for those who successfully complete this "AI For People" learning.

For those of you who want to try it, you can go to the "AI Untuk Rakyat" page, and follow the self-study, while also having the opportunity to get a free entrance ticket to the National Science Center by completing it.

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