Russia Tests Controlled T-72 Tank Using FPV Headset

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has dragged on for more than two years and it has killed thousands of soldiers on both sides. Because of the lack of easy children, Russia began to take prisoners and foreign soldiers who were forced to fight on the border. Ukraine, on the other hand, had to control the border to prevent young people who could become soldiers from fleeing to neighboring countries. This shortage of military personnel forced creative solutions to be taken.

The solution for the Russians is to modify the tanks so that they can be controlled using remote controls and FPV headsets developed for drones. In a video leaked on social media, a T-72AMT tank is controlled by an individual wearing an FPV headset. This tank is believed to have been successfully seized from the Ukrainian side and modified to experiment on whether it can be used on the battlefield.

The T-72 tank requires a crew of three to operate. By turning it into a drone, only one guard is needed and if it is destroyed no enemy lives will be lost. The conflict in Ukraine demonstrated the effectiveness of using inexpensive 3D printed drones to destroy more expensive conventional military equipment.

It is also the strangest conflict with the attack being videotaped for propaganda purposes. Dozens of videos of exploding Russian tanks being attacked using drones and anti-tank missiles (ATGMs) went viral on social media. Because of the effectiveness of drones, the United States and China are now accelerating programs to develop anti-drone systems in the form of laser weapons, and microwaves.

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