The Original Habbo Hotel Will Be Back Tomorrow

For those who are quite old, Habbo Hotel is one of the earliest social media platforms that is now considered a metacity. Its existence paved the way for Meta Horizons Worlds and Roblox. Starting tomorrow. Habbo Hotel Origins will launch with it offering the same content as Habbo Hotel from 2005. The original Habbo Hotel launched in 2020 where it immediately became a meme after falling victim to a 4Chan attack.

It's still operating until now, only the content has changed a lot compared to the content offered during the peak of its popularity around 2005. The original developers of Habbo Hotel found old browser pad files and Habbo Hotel Origins was launched for players who want to go back in time online.

It has returned to the attention of old players in 2020 due to the pandemic. Many want to get back to socializing when confined at home and Habbo Hotel is once again a popular meeting place. The link to access Habbo Hotel Origins has not been shared but the developers have already promised that the swimming pool will not be closed this time.

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