Last week we reported that AMD will delay the launch of their latest AMD Ryzen 9000 processor chip series which consists of four new processor chip models. AMD says that it's because those processing chips don't pass certain standards, but it's not because of performance issues.
Recently, it has been reported through a video review on Bilibili that the processing chip they received comes with a spelling error on the surface of the CPU. The review is about the AMD Ryzen 7 9700X processing chip, but the spelling shown on the physical surface of the CPU is seen as AMD Ryzen 9 9700X.
This label is printed on the physical surface of the CPU, and appears to be withdrawn to be reprinted and then sold as normal. It also sheds some light on why AMD says there aren't any performance issues despite the recall.
In the meantime, it has also been reported that the AMD Ryzen 5 9600X chip also shows a misprint in the name of this model, where it is printed with the name Ryzen 9 as well. All of these chips have been recalled for reprinting, and will go through the reprinting process and be sold later.