Mo/Go Are Motorized Pants With Built-in Exorangka

Are you old and often have knee pain issues when climbing or carrying heavy loads? If so, Mo/Go is the product that will save your knees from further pain. The Mo/Go is marketed as “power pants” because it is a pair of pants that has a built-in exoskeleton. The name is an abbreviation for mountain goat (mountain goat) which has the ability to climb mountains quite easily.

Mo/Go is developed by Arc'teryx and Skip which is a company under Alphabet X Labs. There is an exoskeleton built right into the pants so it reduces the load on the knees when worn. When climbing a hill, the motor will supply power and the user will feel as if the body is lighter by up to 13 kilograms. When going down the hill, it will reduce the pressure on the knees and legs while avoiding injury.

Each Mo/Go has enough battery for three hours of operation. The battery can also be recharged while running. When running out of power, the battery can be quickly replaced. These powerful pants will be sold towards the end of the year at a price of $4500 (~RM 32,000) a pair. In the United States it can also be rented for $80 (~RM 371) a day in certain locations.

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