NakNgaji Makes It Easy For You To Learn To Read The Quran Online Or At Home

There are several platforms that focus on the convenience of learning to study the Quran. One of them is a local platform called NakNgaji. Through it, it focuses on connecting the public to study teachers, while allowing a person to study study either online or at home.

Through NakNgaji, it promises that classes will be conducted individually, at the same time avoiding someone who wants to learn due to shyness with others. The platform also states that every tutor is certified and has a background in Islamic & Al-Quran Studies.

The platform also allows users to set their free schedule, and there is no age limit for students. Under the platform, students can follow several levels of learning to recite, from learning Iqra, understanding tajwid and makhraj, in addition to learning and understanding the interpretation of the Quran. For online options, among the platforms used are either Google Meet or Zoom.

For those of you who are interested, you can check the NakNgaji platform, and register according to the class you are interested in. Users can also choose the duration of the class they want to follow through the platform.

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