SearchGPT Seen Giving Less Accurate Answers In Search Demo

OpenAI has today announced their own search engine, named SearchGPT. Through it, it looks to the web arena to get answers, at the same time allowing it to provide a response using current data and information - at the same time not tied to old data such as ChatGPT.

The product is still labeled as a prototype today, and has yet to be offered to the public. However, the sharing of demo recordings for SearchGPT itself is seen to lead to information and display errors.

As many are aware, various services based on artificial intelligence - and Google itself has also been involved with more or less the same problem, where the information displayed is inaccurate. This is referred to as hallucinating artificial intelligence – at the same time leading to less accurate or completely wrong answers. In fact, ChatGPT itself has previously been seen hallucinating with fake links for article sources – where it generates and generates links that do not exist in the web arena.

It is not known how long this problem will recur. Perhaps the use of products like SearchGPT and others will take a very long time before being widely used, since the answers given are not yet fully known for their validity.

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