You Can Block Google Play Store From Using Application Data For Content Recommendations

Everyone does not like being followed by someone, being spied on by someone and many other things that give a cold and unpleasant feeling of horror. The same is the feeling of someone who is very concerned about the right to privacy of personal data. Our data is hard to protect with many applications every day wanting to use it just for a better user experience. The latest with the Google Play Store you can control the data from which apps are used for your content recommendations.

Personalization in Play is a new feature built into the Play Store that allows users to prevent the Play Store from using data from certain apps. Be it health data from tracking apps, score data in perma, favorite movie data in video streaming apps and more. Obviously the use of user data is important for the highly personalized Collections feature, so it depends on whether you want to use the Cool feature or want to keep your own data private?

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