A number of OnePlus 10 Pro Owners Reported Device Dead After Warranty Expired

OnePlus lately has not received as great a response as it used to. It has now come under the umbrella of Oppo. Although the OnePlus 11 and OnePlus 12 are good devices, the selling price and the customer service center are making people switch to competitors. In addition to the ongoing green screen issue, a number of OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 10 device owners also experienced overheating problems and then died.

Based on user reports through the OnePlus Community, among the affected devices is the OnePlus 9 series and most of the cases are on the OnePlus 10 Pro 5G. The issue occurred after the OxygenOS update which made the device heat up and keep turning off the phone. Even more unfortunate, the issue occurs after each device is just out of warranty. According to user feedback, OnePlus is asking for a payment of around RM500 for a faulty device to be repaired or to receive a discount on buying a new OnePlus device.

So far in Malaysia, people are only reporting green screen issues. Some lucky users managed to claim the warranty at Oppo's customer service center for free. Are you still using a OnePlus device?

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