A total of 61.7 Million Sony PlayStation 5 Has Been Sold But Sales Are Slowing

Sony published its financial report for Q1 of the financial year 2025 (April to June 2024) which shows that 61.7 million PlayStation 5 consoles have been sold since its launch in 2020. In the last quarter as many as 2.4 million PS5 units have been sold which shows a decrease compared to 3.3 million consoles in same quarter last year.

Because of the slowing sales, Sony is targeting sales of 18 million PS5s throughout the financial year 2025. Previously Sony targeted sales of 21 million units for the same financial year. A downward trend was also seen in the sales of 53.6 million PS4 and PS5 video games compared to 56.5 million in the same quarter of 2024.

An interesting statistic is that 80% of these video game sales are in digital form. Finally PlayStation Network has 116 million monthly active users which is also down from 118 million users last quarter. With sales slowing down lately, now is the best time to launch the PlayStation 5 Pro which is expected to arrive later this year.

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