America Wants to Ban China's Software on Self-Driving Vehicles

The trade war between the United States and China erupted five years ago when Huawei was included in the Entity List which caused their 5G equipment to be banned and access to GMS blocked on their Android devices. The technology war will become more heated later because the United States reportedly wants to ban the use of Chinese software on self-driving vehicles used in the country.

According to a Reuters report, sources from the Commerce Department will ban Chinese software on vehicles with Level 3 self-driving capabilities and above. This is because of the risks to national security that appear if Chinese self-driving vehicles continue to be allowed to be used on American roads. This would at once ban the testing of Chinese self-driving vehicles in America.

In addition, the use of Chinese telecommunications equipment will also be banned on self-driving vehicles. Manufacturers of smuggled vehicles here have to confirm that the vehicles produced do not have software from "worrisome foreign entities" before being allowed to operate.

Previously it was reported that several Chinese self-driving companies have conducted tests as far as 2.9 million kilometers on the roads of the United States. The collected camera, laser and depth data can allegedly be used for espionage purposes and this is what is meant as a national security risk.

In China, Tesla has just been granted permission to conduct self-driving tests after being blocked for a long time. There are even reports that Tesla vehicles will be prevented from entering urban areas when President Xi makes an official visit. China was accused of being paranoid but now security paranoia can be seen on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.

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