China also bans exports of antimony used in EV batteries

China began imposing export barriers for antimony used in electric vehicle (EV) batteries and photovoltaic panels. The order to reduce the export of antimony outside of China was done to ensure the security and interests of the country.

Exporters need to apply for a license to export antimony which not only has uses in the civilian sector but also the military sector. Barriers are imposed on antimony in the form of ores, ingots and also oxides and equipment to process them without permission.

China held 48% of global antimony production last year. In addition to being used in EVs, this gray metal is also used in bullets, missiles, and nuclear weapons. It is used as a fire retardant. This is another barrier to the export of raw materials imposed by China. Last year exports of gallium and germanium were blocked in what was seen as retaliation for barriers to the purchase of AI chips and technology imposed on them by the United States.

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