China Successfully Tests Swaterbang Cargo Drone With 2 Ton Capacity

China is now entering the era of drones that can carry heavier cargo loads with the successful first flight of a drone manufactured by Sichuan Tengden Sci-tech Innovation Co., Ltd last Sunday. This drone is developed with the ability to swatbang to carry out cargo flights for short trips when needed. It is equipped with two turboprop engines and uses fossil fuel.

The test was carried out by Zigong Fengming general airport located in Sichuan China. It has a wingspan of 16.1 meters, a height of 4.6 meters and a cargo space with a capacity of 12 cubic meters that can carry up to 2 tons of cargo. In the first flight the drone flew for 20 minutes before returning to land.

Other information about the maximum flight distance, maximum speed and the extent of the waterbang capability of this aircraft has not yet been revealed. Although developed for the purpose of transporting goods for short distances, Western analysts see it as having the potential to be a plane carrying supplies to Chinese-owned bases in the middle of the South China Sea.

Costs can be reduced and risks to human crews can be reduced if cargo drones like these are used in conflict. Sichuan Tengden Sci-tech Innovation Co., Ltd. previously showed an image of a cargo drone concept with four jet engines and a twin body like Startolaunch.

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