Google Assistant On Google Home Powered With Gemini For A More Natural Voice

Google has just launched several new Google Home products such as the Google TV Streamer and also several other Google Internet of Things devices such as the Nest family. Interestingly, each of these products has been integrated with Gemini and Google Assistant is still the main virtual assistant. Only now, Assistant has been upgraded with the Gemini model for a more natural assistant voice.

Google Assistant has been sounding very natural for years, almost like having a conversation with a human. It's just that with ChatGPT-4o that can identify emotions like the movie Her, Google also wants to make the voice on the Assistant twice as natural. This new assistant will also more easily understand the user's instructions and context so that various questions and instructions can be given simultaneously.

Assistant will also receive a new voice later this year. It is clear here that Google Assistant is still needed and proved to be useful again as a virtual assistant. It's just strange, if Gemini on a smartphone wants to be like Google Assistant, it needs to rely on a plugin, but Google Assistant on Google Home needs to rely on Gemini to be smarter.

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