Google Search Introduces Features That Make Fake Porn Images Easily Removed

The introduction of various AI software creates a new problem where pornographic images are generated without permission. In Malaysia, there have been reports of pornographic images of popular artists generated using deepfake technology and then shared through messaging applications. If a Google Search is done, these images can be found quite easily. Today Google introduced a feature to make it easier for these images to be removed when they appear in Search.

It is a continuation of the feature to remove private pornographic images shared without permission that was introduced earlier. After the image is verified and removed, Search will ensure that the same image will not appear again when the same keyword is used.

At the same time sites that display images that have been removed will no longer be given an advantage in search results. If the same site is repeatedly found involved in displaying images like this, their ranking in Google search will be reduced to make it harder to find.

When the search uses a specific name keyword, Search will prioritize results in the form of news and non-obscene content first. Through these changes, search results containing pornographic images have been successfully reduced by 70%. If you are a victim of fake pornographic images, you can report it to Google via the link below.

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