Hackers Delete Notes of 13,000 School Students In Singapore

Usually hackers steal confidential data which is then stolen on the black market. But in Singapore a hacker attack caused 13,000 school students to lose notes they wanted to use to revise before exams.

According to a CNA report, a cyber attack on the Mobile Guardian application used on student devices caused notes stored in the cloud to be completely deleted. Software installed on iOS devices and Chromebooks used by students allows notes to be uploaded and at the same time guardians can monitor the device usage of students under their care.

The issue was detected on devices used by students in 26 schools in Singapore when the application could not be accessed last Monday. Previously in April a cyber attack on Mobile Guardian caused the personal data of school staff and guardians from 127 to be accessed without permission.

Singapore's Ministry of Education has taken action to remove the Mobile Guardian application from iPads and Chromebooks used by students as a precautionary measure. At this time it is believed that only the student's notes were deleted but their personal data was not stolen.

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