Mufti WP : It is Haram to Generate Pictures of Dead People Using AI for No Reason

Generative AI is now more advanced in that it can not only produce realistic-looking images but can also be animated using animations as easy as inserting a prom. On social media, a viral video of Chinese people using AI to create animations of loved ones who have died. But what is the law if Muslims do the same thing?

According to the mufti of the Federal Territory, the law of drawing pictures of either living or deceased people without a reasonable purpose and reason is illegal according to the majority of scholars. However, the use of producing digital images for the purposes of benefit and needs such as the purpose of preaching and learning is not included in the prohibited matters.

In addition, drawings and pictures that are incomplete (only showing part of the body) i.e. if there is no part of the body such as the head then there is no living human and animal then the law must be conditional.

The image generated is not perfect for all body parts.

Do not display aurat or anything that contradicts Islamic law.

Do not humiliate people who have died.

The picture of a person who has died does not move because it is feared that it will bring down his dignity or shame him.

The purpose of the generated image is only for good things.

The Mufti of the Federal Territory also advised the public to be careful in using existing technology. Uncontrolled use of technology will have bad effects on individuals, society and the country.

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