Nova Launcher Goes Back To Solo Development – ​​Other Employees Are Fired

Nova Launcher is one of the applications offered for Android users, allowing users to modify the phone interface, and customize it according to their individual tastes. It was very popular a few years ago, but has been heard a bit less lately, especially since the Branch takeover.

Most recently, Branch was seen firing a number of their company's employees, as well as impacting Nova Launcher team members. With this change, now the Nova Launcher team is back to just one person – the founder of the application itself.

The founder of the application stated that until now, it was assisted by two other employees, in addition to a number of Branch employees who developed various other projects. With the change in the company, now the Nova Launcher team is back to one person. The founder also stated that he will continue to develop and introduce updates to the application.

As for you, are you still using Nova Launcher on your device?

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