Only On iOS You Can Save Photos In Chrome Directly To Google Photos

Have you ever been browsing the web and come across a picture you like? Maybe a product you want to buy, a specific shirt design you've been wanting for a long time or even a mysterious photo you want to share with your loved ones? Usually we need to download the picture first and then open a specific application for it to be shared. Sometimes because the picture's metadata is inaccurate, it's hard to find because it's hidden in the device's storage. On iOS this problem is solved by Google.

Only on iOS, the pictures you see in any website you visit using Google Chrome can be directly saved to Google Photos. Just press and hold on the desired photo, then select Save in Google Photos. Photos will be saved with the latest date, making it easy for users to find them and then share them. Unfortunately, this feature uses a special API in iOS and is not available on Android devices.

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