Robin Warren Who Discovered the Cause of Stomach Ulcers Dies

What causes ulcers in the stomach? If you answered it is because of stress and spicy food you are still eating hundreds of years old dakyah. The real reason why stomach ulcers occur was only known in 1982 after a study by Robin Warren and Barry Marshall. Robin Warren was announced to have died three days ago at the age of 87.

For a long time there was a belief that the human stomach was sterile because it contained acids that could destroy food. But Robin Warren, a pathologist, found a colony of bacteria in the part of the stomach containing the ulcer when performing a biopsy on the patient. Through research conducted with Barry Marshall, Helicobacter pylori bacteria were successfully identified as the cause of stomach ulcers.

After the announcement was made, Warren and Marshall's study was initially ignored because of the belief that the stomach was sterile and bacteria could not live in it. To prove his discovery, Marshall drank Helicobacter pylori and within a week he started showing symptoms of stomach pain and vomiting. Through the endoscopy camera, the ulcer that was not present in his stomach was now detected and confirmed their findings.

Through this discovery, scientists succeeded in creating antibiotics that allow ulcers to be treated and various other treatment techniques to control stomach acid. Diseases that previously could cause death can now be easily treated. Because of this in 2005, Robin Warren and Barry Marshall were awarded the Nobel Prize in the categories of physiology and medicine.

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