Scientists Confirm Death of Loved Ones Accelerates Aging

Scientists from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and the Butler Columbia Aging Center published a study that found a link between aging and the death of a loved one. The death of a spouse, parent or child has been found to accelerate the biological aging process in the human body.

Aging at the biological level is measured by looking at markers on DNA. The older a person is, the higher the level of DNA methylation can be detected. The study was conducted on two age groups. Those who are adults and those who are still teenagers. The rate of aging is detected faster in those who lost two or more loved ones during adulthood.

Aging on a biological level can be seen at the level of cells, tissues and even how organs function. Mental health issues, increased risk of heart disease and early death have been detected in those who have lost a loved one. Researchers are now suggesting more in-depth research and support recommendations for those who have lost loved ones to reduce the impact on health in the near term.

The study was published in the journal Jama Network.

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