Threads Now Supports Analytic, Drafting, and Scheduling Posting Features

Today's Threads is updated with some new features that are seen as useful for brands that want to promote their products. The effectiveness of Threads status posts can be tracked through a new analytics feature. Data such as number of readers, age, gender and location can be viewed through this analytics dashboard.

Subsequently more than one draft of the submission can be saved by the user. The draft is then refined in various formats to allow the message to be conveyed to the user and avoid confusion in the event of any errors in the text. Up to 100 drafts can be saved at any one time for each account.

Then the delivery can finally be scheduled according to a specific schedule. With this, the process of managing the official Threads account can be simplified because the delivery is only done according to the time that has been set. All of the above features are only accessible through the web at this time.

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