Chatbot AI Claude No Longer Apologies If Commands Can't Be Processed

Now there are various AI chatbots that can be used for free. All these chatbots are trained with various data, some use Internet access and some are trained with existing data. Each chatbot also has its own rules and most importantly, each one also has a special personality. Recently, Anthropic announced that their AI chabot, Claude, processes system proms simultaneously with user proms.

Inside Claude, Anthropic has programmed it to process a special prom every time a user enters their own prom. Prom this system is for Claude to always be aware of the latest time and date and to know how to process data from the latest model. This prom will also make Claude work better at giving feedback, such as making sure documents follow a certain format and Claude will also try to avoid apologizing if it can't process something.

More interesting and useful, Claude will also give feedback by informing users about hallucination terms if they give instructions with complicated proms to easily understand the limitations of this chatbot. Compared to Gemini or ChatGPT, they apologize if they can't give feedback or sometimes the chat session ends automatically. Claude's strategy will make users try to stay with one chatbot and not switch to another chatbot.

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