Factaria : Internet Explorer Was The Main Web Browser On Mac For 5 Years

Internet Explorer is one of the most popular web browsers among Windows users, and was used by almost all of the earliest internet users in the early 2000s. But did you know, in addition to being the main web browser (default browser) on Windows computers, Internet Explorer has also been the main web browser on macOS, which is an Apple computer.

In August 1997, Steve Jobs announced the collaboration between Microsoft and Apple, where he showed that Microsoft would invest as much as $150 million in Apple, in addition to developing Microsoft Office for the Mac, as well as including Internet Explorer as the main web browser on the Mac.

Under the agreement, Internet Explorer will be the primary web browser that came with Mac OS X from 1998 until 2003. The last version offered was Internet Explorer 5 Macintosh Edition.

However, starting with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger released in April 2005, the Internet Explorer web browser is no longer bundled, and users are offered with Safari. Microsoft also stopped offering updates for the product effective December 31, 2005.

Microsoft has not offered any web browser for Mac OS since then, until recently in 2019 through the offering of Microsoft Edge.

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