JPJePlate Electronic Registration Plate Used Starting Today

The Road Transport Department (JPJ) is opening bids for EV number plates that are specific to new electric vehicles in Malaysia. Simultaneously with this announcement, JPJ also confirmed that vehicles with this number plate will also be the pilot group using JPJePlate registration plates that have various built-in smart features.

The new registration plate is made of metal with the number plate pressed directly onto the surface. With this, there will no longer be the issue of numbers/alphabets falling off and broken plates due to worn-out plastic materials. The embossed part of the number also has a reflective surface so it can be clearly seen at night.

In addition, it comes with built-in RFID features for various future transportation systems. It is no longer necessary to see RFID stickers on windows and car lights like now. The built-in hologram prevents forgery of the registration number and the built-in QR code makes it easier for the authorities to check the registration number and JPJePlate serial number.

The Malaysian flag and the abbreviation MAL are also displayed on the JPJePlate to identify vehicles from within the country. Finally there is a one-way screw that will make it difficult for the plate to be stolen.

At this time JPJePlate will only be used on new EV vehicles after September 9. Owners of EVs prior to this date must register an interest in using them. Owners of other ICE vehicles can register their interest on the JPJePlate website today even though it is not yet mandatory. With JPJePlate, the era of plastic registration plates will finally end in Malaysia.

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