The Government Will Not Delay the Implementation of Social Media Licenses

The Malaysian government will continue the licensing framework for social media services and Internet messages from 1 January 2025 as originally planned. According to Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil, there will be no delay even after receiving criticism from the Asian Internet Coalition (AIC) two days ago.

Fahmi also added that he is ready to meet with AIC. The IAC is said to have been asked to provide feedback on the licensing framework by SKMM last May but until now it has not been given by requesting several delays. AIC is an association that represents a number of global technology companies such as Apple, Facebook, Google, Expedia Group, Amazon, Line, and LinkedIn.

Yesterday the AIC withdrew a statement saying that the licensing framework for social media and messaging applications in Malaysia cannot be implemented. But they still see it will hinder innovation because of the various costs that platform owners have to bear.

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