US Army Wants to Mimic Hamas Using Surfing on the Battlefield

On October 7, 2023, the Israeli army was surprised by an attack carried out by Hamas using motorized paragliders. Because of its small size and relatively silent operation, an ambush on a control post can be carried out successfully before being detected. Now the United States Army is starting a Personal Air Mobility System (PAMS) program to use gliders when conducting operations on the battlefield.

PAMS needs to be capable of flying at an altitude of 10,000 feet, an operational range of up to 100 km and carrying a load of up to 160 kilograms but only having a total weight of around 35 kilograms without fuel. In theory, military personnel from parachute units are sent to the operational area using transport ships before jumping out. The parachute is then opened and then they will glide to the target using a motorized glider.

Surfing is difficult to track using radar or infrared detectors. It also operates more quietly than conventional helicopters and airplanes. Through PAMS, military personnel can enter the battlefield undetected by the enemy, as Hamas has proven.

In addition to the purpose of entering enemy territory, it can also be used for the purpose of monitoring the operational area, taking out wounded members and carrying the necessary supplies to continue the operation without using conventional aircraft.

Motorized windsurfing has already been tested by the U.S. team. Marine Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) and special forces but not in real world missions. The PAMS project wants to use it in operations by parachute unit members on a larger scale.

Motorized windsurfing was invented by Mike Byrne from England in June 1980 using a small home-made windsurfing and engine for recreational purposes. Only now is it proven to have a place on the battlefield as conventional aircraft are increasingly easily repulsed using MANPADS.

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