Adobe Project Remix A Lot Turns Sketches Into Complete Digital Works

The process of producing a digital work needs to go through some preliminary steps first. Typically a simple sketch is created before being reproduced in Photoshop or Illustrator and it can take a long time to complete. At the Adobe Max event some new features that can simplify the production process were shown such as Project Remix A Lot.

Project Remix A Lot uses generative artificial intelligence (AI) to turn rough sketches into final pieces in seconds. The demo is shown in Illustrator with a pencil sketch of a poster that is automatically scanned into a digital poster through the feature. which is named Sketch to Layout. Although generated by AI, every element of the poster can be modified as it is a vector object like other Illustrator works.

Not only that, the generated artwork can then be resized for different canvas sizes. With the Layout Variation feature, the resulting poster can then be resized for Instagram, banners, hanging fabrics and front page images on Facebook as well automatically.

In addition, there is also a Generate Layout feature where a work produced in Illustrator can be changed to imitate the style of the image that became the inspiration. With just one button all elements in the original poster are changed to match the style of the user uploaded reference image.

The Project Remix A Lot feature was developed for those who don't have the time to do the task of creating a poster or don't have the expertise to do it themselves. At this point Project Remix A Lot is still just a demo and Adobe has not said when it will be given to the actual product.

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