Over 600,000 Workers In Malaysia May Be Affected By AI Within 5 Years

Recently, we have heard that hundreds of workers in TikTok Malaysia have been fired, due to the maturity of technology that can replace some of their tasks. In addition, through the AI ​​Impact Study Report on the Labor Market by the Ministry of Human Resources through TalentCorp, it also targets approximately 600,000 workers in the next 5 years who may be affected by the development of artificial intelligence, digitalization and the green economy.

Workers in 10 sectors are expected to be affected by this development, namely the Information and Communication Technology, Global Business Services, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing and Services, Electrical and Electronics, Aerospace, Wholesale and Retail Business, Medical Devices, Energy and Power sectors.

These sectors have the largest number of workers, approximately 3.5 million skilled and semi-skilled workers. The Ministry of Human Resources is expected to conduct further studies involving 14 more sectors in the next phase.

This report is expected to be shared in the near future, at the same time allowing the public to be prepared with the development of technology, including in terms of their respective talents and abilities.

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