America Returns to Domestic TNT Production After Almost 40 Years

TNT is the explosive that was the source of Alfred Nobel's fortune. The deaths caused by TNT led to a realization and the Nobel Prize was first awarded in 1901 as an effort to clear the name. But did you know that the United States, which has the world's largest military budget, has not produced TNT for its own needs since 1986.

After nearly 40 years, the United States is now ready to produce TNT at a plant owned by Repkon USA with a contract worth $435 million. The plant will start operations within 48 months after the contract is awarded.

Production of TNT in America was stopped in 1986 because it caused high pollution and produced toxic waste. It ended domestic TNT production that had been going on since before the First World War. So far American TNT requirements have been imported from India and Poland.

The Ukrainian conflict requires TNT to produce explosives, cannonballs and grenades. America wants to increase production of 155mm shells for howitzer cannons from around 3,000 per month to 36,000 by the end of 2025. Domestic re-production of TNT is a US effort to ensure continuous supply in the event of conflicts in Europe and Asia that could disrupt the supply chain.

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