Huawei also launched its latest foldable device Mate X6 in the Chinese market on Tuesday. The device brings several latest innovations including the use of a larger screen, a different rear camera setup and interesting AI capabilities.
The Mate X6 has a 7.93-inch inner screen followed by a 6.45-inch outer secondary screen. It is slightly larger than its predecessor Mate X5 which had a 7.85-inch inner screen and 6.4-inch outer screen. The Mate X6 screen supports a peak brightness of 1800nits, a resolution of 2440 x 1080 pixels and a refresh rate of 120Hz on the inner. Meanwhile, the secondary screen has a maximum peak brightness of 2500nits, a resolution of 2440 x 2240 pixels and a refresh rate of 120Hz.
There are no specific details about the processing chip but 12GB of RAM and up to 1TB of internal storage are used. In addition, it runs HarmonyOS NEXT software with several interesting AI features. Among them, users can share media content from one device to another without touching the screen through the Airdrop Gesture function. Followed by enhanced Celia capabilities for a better productivity experience.
Also included is a 50MP RYYB main camera with an aperture that can be changed between F1.4-F4.0 and OIS. Then followed by a 40MP ultra-wide and 48MP sensor for macro capabilities. In addition, it offers 4X optical zoom and 100X digital, in addition to an 8MP (f/2.4) front camera. The battery is 5110 mAh and supports 66W wired, 50W wireless and 7.5W reverse fast charging.
The device also has IPX8 protection, Bluetooth 5.2, USB Type-C and NFC. Mate X6 is sold starting at CNY 12,999 (~RM7,982), CNY 14,999 (~RM9,210) and CNY15,999 (~RM9,824) each.