Telegram is now introducing an update to their messaging app, bringing an update with a focus on video. If you are a die-hard Telegram user, you must know that before this, the messaging service supports sending videos on the Telegram Channel, and you need to download them before you can watch them.
Through the latest Telegram update, the matter has been improved, and users no longer need to download the entire video before being able to watch it. Offered for the use of Telegram Channel first, every video shared will be optimized automatically, and users will be able to watch shared videos based on their respective internet connections. Users on low connections will see videos at low resolution, while users on high-speed connections will enjoy viewing videos at full resolution.
This new feature is introduced to Telegram Channels first, especially channels with thousands of users in them. In addition to this feature, now users can also control the speed of playing a video, and can double-tap on the left side of the video to speed it up by 10 seconds.
For those of you who use Telegram, you can update your application today, and enjoy this new feature.