Since Apple introduced its object tracker AirTag, many irresponsible people have started using it as a spying gadget. That's why Apple and Google have then collaborated to ensure that gadgets like this are not misused. Most recently, Android will introduce additional security features.
This year, the majority of Android and iPhone devices will start supporting a notification system that notifies you if there is an object tracker that does not belong to you nearby. Two features that will be added are Temporarily Pausing Location and Find Nearby.
Temporarily Pausing Location or temporarily pausing the location allows users to pause the location for 24 hours. This will prevent the owner of the object tracker from spying on you according to your exact location. While the location is paused, it also gives you the opportunity to find this tracking object.
Find Nearby also allows you to search for the object tracker that is suspected of being used for spying. This system will use Bluetooth on the device and the built-in compass from the system settings to find this object tracker.
This new feature appears to be limited to object trackers under Google's Find My Device search system. Support for finding or tracking AirTags is already built natively into Android devices with GMS.