How to Check Fake USB Storage on Windows?

Today, there are a number of USB-based storage that feature large amounts of fake storage, but in fact they have low storage. For example, they are marketed with 1TB storage, and show that figure when connected to a computer. However, the actual storage figure may be only 64GB. Because the price is cheap, many people get it and fall victim to this fake device.

This leads to advanced problems, such as documents and files stored on it being inaccessible, and a number of other problems. To overcome this, one of the free software offered for Windows users is ValiDrive – to make it easier for you to check first, before using it to store files and documents.

ValiDrive will scan your USB storage, and show the sections that have been verified, have problems, and also if there is no storage.

This software is offered for free, and can be run directly on a Windows computer without having to install it first. For those of you who have USB storage, and are worried about it, you can try ValiDrive today.

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