More than 52% of Users Now Reported to Enjoy 5G Access in Malaysia

Minister of Communications, Fahmi Fadzil has now shared that more than 52% of local telecommunications service users are enjoying 5G network access through their respective devices. This figure can be said to show a rather drastic increase, compared to only around 10.8% a year ago.

The 5G network coverage rate in Malaysia has also exceeded 80%, which is seen as making more users now activate the 5G network on their respective devices. This is also in line with the government's efforts to ensure that telecommunications companies remove additional charges specifically for accessing the 5G network, and are now offered built into their respective telecommunications plans.

Today, various telecommunications companies still use infrastructure under DNB. The transition to dual networks is expected to be done in the future, in line with U Mobile which has received permission from MCMC for the development of a second 5G network in Malaysia.

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