Panic, the publisher behind the popular game Untitled Goose Game and the Playdate mobile console, has announced its own video streaming platform. Even more bizarrely, the platform will be offered via Steam and accessible via the web with video content in a format you wouldn’t expect.
The platform is called Blippo+ and it focuses on 1-bit video format as if it were on the Playdate console screen. Panic hasn’t shared much other than a short video on YouTube and a website with a mini retro remote control as a control. The video content does look like a retro video with the concept of a product advertisement on television and also some confusing cringe content.
Here are some of the rather confusing features that will be offered on Blippo+;
Linear broadcast
⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ enabled
Under the Air (UTA)
End-user information system
with robust electronic program guide
No date has been announced, but Blippo+ is also expected to be available for the Malaysian market. Let's stay tuned for more information about it.