PM Anwar Ibrahim Disappointed with Delay in Implementation of MyDigital ID and Dual-Network 5G Projects

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has now expressed his disappointment and anger due to the delay in implementing the MyDigital ID project and the second 5G network.

The implementation of MyDigital ID is now said to be delayed by a year. MyDigital ID is a government initiative to provide convenience to users in online identity verification. Users can use MyDigital ID to access a number of applications, including the MyJPJ application – and is also expected to be opened to private party applications.

As for the dual-network %G in Malaysia, it was previously said to be implemented after Malaysia achieved a 5G coverage rate through DNB exceeding 80%. This figure was announced to have been achieved in early January 2024, however, the implementation of the dual-network 5G model has not yet begun, and MCMC has only announced the party appointed to develop it, namely U Mobile.

The delay in both projects has made Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim disappointed and also angry with the parties involved.

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