Through smart glasses developed in collaboration with Ray-Ban, Meta has managed to create a product that is better received than their VR/AR headset. Seeing this encouraging demand, the Financial Times reported that meta will launch new smart glasses with a built-in screen as early as H2 2025.
With the existence of a built-in screen, app notifications and Meta AI artificial intelligence (AI) text can be seen by users. The Ray-Ban Meta on the market currently provides feedback in the form of audio that is not friendly to hearing-impaired users. With the Ray-Ban Meta equipped with a screen, Meta can give competition to Apple which is also looking to launch a product with the same capabilities.
To make this dream a reality, the development of Meta Orion which was shown in the middle of this year will be accelerated. Orion is a prototype that has a screen built into the glass part like Oppo Air. Glass and Google Glass. It can also be controlled by just thinking through EMG technology. Meta previously said Orion will only become a reality in two years.