Sega, one of the leading companies in the video game arena, is now reportedly considering launching their own video game streaming service. This is expected to position them as a competitor to Netflix, which has also made a number of large investments in the video game arena under Netflix Games.
In addition to Netflix, console manufacturers such as Xbox and PlayStation also have their own offerings that require players to pay a monthly fee, and receive access to a number of selected games. Game publishers such as EA and Ubisoft also do the same, specifically for their published games.
For your information, today Sega games are available through several different platforms – and by providing their own subscription offering, it will allow Sega to generate higher profits than through other platforms.
With the popularity of the Sega brand recently, such as through Sonic, it is not impossible that it allows its fans to continue to subscribe to Sega's services, and also play other IPs under them.