YTL Announces Ilmu Public Language Model – Leading Other Models in Bahasa Malaysia, BM PT3 and SPM Exam Scores

YTL is now through YTL AI Labs introducing their own public language model or popularly known as LLM. Their public language model is known as Ilmu, and the announced model is Ilmu 0.1.

At the time of writing, public access for Ilmu 0.1 has not yet been published. However, YTL together with the University of Malaya have developed a benchmarking method for the Malay language model, named MMLU, and can be accessed via Github – in an effort to test the Malaysian public language model, and see its performance.

Through the official website, Ilmu 0.1 is also said to have passed the PT3 and SPM tests in Malay. This model is also said to enable wider support for various industries, including finance, education, public services and so on.

With this healthy development, let's all look forward to what's next for the Ilmu public language model, and what other products will be offered under YTL AI Labs.

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