Abu Dhabi to Build World's Largest Solar Farm

The status of the world's largest solar farm will pass to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after Abu Dhabi announced it has announced a power farm with a power output of 5.2 GW. This is larger than the 5.0 GW that began operations in Xinjiang, China last year.

The project, which is being carried out by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) and the Emirates Water and Electricity Company, will cost $6 billion (~RM 27 billion). When operational from 2027, it will be able to supply the energy needs of 750,000 homes.

The solar farm will also be the first in the world to operate 24 hours a day. Excess electricity generated will be stored in battery packs before being distributed at night when the solar panels are not operating.

The construction of this sustainable energy generation infrastructure is to meet the UAE's zero-carbon target by 2050 and also supply the country's energy needs as it seeks to become a regional data intelligence hub.

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