Apple And M Night Shyamalan Successfully Prove “Servant” Is Not a Plagiarized Work

A few weeks ago, we reported that prominent director M. Night Shyamalan was sued for allegedly plagiarizing his TV series on Apple TV+. The individual suing him is the director of the film The Truth About Emanuel, Francesca Gregorini.

Now, after going through the trial process, M. Night Shyamalan and his team have successfully proven that Servant is not a plagiarized work. On the contrary, he and his team stated that they did not know about the existence of the film The Truth About Emanuel until this case occurred. M Night Shyamalan also insisted that he has never, will not and will not allow outside works to be plagiarized for his own projects.

Now, five years after this case was filed, in 2020, M Night Shyamalan and Apple TV+ won this case. The jury ruled that the film The Truth About Emanuel has a different genre from Servant. Then the film by Francesca Gregorini was also not widely offered either in theaters or in digital versions to be plagiarized as Servant.

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