This year, Apple is finally expected to reintroduce the new generation iPhone SE. It is said to be powered by the Apple A18 chip, support Apple Intelligence, equipped with 8GB of RAM, use its own designed modem and may be sold at a higher price.
Apple may be harmonizing the iPhone branding by using numbers. Because the iPhone SE 2025 or iPhone SE 4 is said to be called the iPhone 16E. If this is true, it will be the fifth iPhone 16 launched in the same year as the iPhone 17 series was introduced. At the moment, the final branding is still unclear whether it will be the iPhone 16e, iPhone 16E or iPhone 16 SE.
The new generation iPhone 16E will also use a modern design, such as Face ID support and USB-C connectivity. Let's all wait for more information about the development of this iPhone SE.