The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has introduced a new security feature on its mobile application, namely i-Akaun Secure. It can be used to approve flexible account withdrawal transactions quickly and securely. As can be seen, the concept used is similar to additional security features such as Maybank's Secure2u. Where transaction verification can be done with just one click on the application without having to use SMS TAC.
It is also informed that i-Akaun Secure can only be used on one device. This means that existing users do not need to take any action as it is done automatically through the latest update. However, users who lose their devices need to contact the EPF Relationship Management Centre or visit any EPF Office to deactivate i-Akaun Secure. If users want to reactivate i-Akaun Secure, the device linking process needs to be done.
Activation steps can be done by opening the profile and selecting application settings. Then activate notifications on the application settings page. Notifications can also be activated through the notification area by activating the allow notifications button. The process of approving transactions is also easy by selecting verification via i-Akaun Secure and clicking the approve button to proceed with transaction verification.
Currently, online transactions using i-Akaun Secure only involve Flexible Account Withdrawal applications. However, it will be expanded to other transactions such as withdrawal applications, registration, and nomination in the future.