In conjunction with CES 2025, Samsung launched three new gaming monitors under the Odyssey family. The new Samsung Odyssey OLED G8 G81SF comes with a 27″ OLED screen with 4K resolution and a 240Hz refresh rate. The panel has a response time of 0.03ms (GTG), supports AMD FreeSync Premium Pro, NVIDIA G-Sync and passes the VESA DisplayHDR True Black 400 standard.
Meanwhile, the Samsung Odyssey OLED G6 G60SF comes with a 27″ OLED screen with QHD resolution but supports a refresh rate of up to 500Hz. Other specifications are the same as the OLED G8.
Also launched is the Samsung Odyssey 3D G90XF monitor with a 27″ panel that can display displays in three dimensions. Lenticular lens technology and two stereo cameras on the front allow this 3D monitor to be used without the need for a pair of special glasses. At the same time, 2D objects can be transformed to appear 3D on this panel. The monitors were shown as a demo at CES last year but will go on sale this year.
Pricing and on-sale dates for all three monitors have yet to be announced, but last year all of the monitors launched at CES went on sale in the second half of the year.