NVIDIA recently launched its NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5000 series of graphics cards, with the GeForce RTX 5090 graphics card being the most powerful in the series. Interestingly, it comes with a very compact design, with a flow-through cooling system that takes up only two PCIe expansion slots and comes with a circuit board small enough to fit in compact computer systems.
NVIDIA has shown off a Designing The Founders Edition video that shows the design process of this latest graphics card, and in it there is a prototype of the GeForce RTX 5090 graphics card that comes with a cooler that takes up four PCIe expansion slots.
This graphics card, if sold in the market, will make it the largest Founders Edition graphics card on the market, and because of this, it will be difficult for many computer builders to build computers with the new graphics card.
The video also shows some of the lessons learned by NVIDIA to build this thinner graphics card, especially when compared to previous models, and how they managed to build a thinner cooling system than before.