Qualcomm today introduced a new variant of the processor chip targeting laptops and desktops, called Snapdragon X. This new chip is seen as a lower-spec version compared to the previous Snapdragon X Plus and X Elite versions.
Qualcomm targets devices with Snapdragon X to be used by students, workers who need basic laptops, as well as for users who need devices on a low budget.
Snapdragon X comes with an eight-core design with a maximum speed of 3Ghz. This chip comes with a 4nm build, and offers AI performance at 45 TOPS. This chip also promises efficient and long battery life, allowing users to use the device for a longer period of time. Qualcomm says this Snapdragon X chip is better than the Intel Core 5 120U chip.
Qualcomm targets devices using this Snapdragon X chip to be marketed by manufacturers such as Acer, Asus and Lenovo in the near future.