The Realme 14 Pro series has finally been launched globally starting in India first. There are two model options available with minor differences in internal hardware. Meanwhile, the design has the same DNA as several previous models.
In reality, the Realme 14 Pro+ has the same specifications as the model in China. The 1.5K OLED screen supports a 120Hz refresh rate. It is paired with a Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 chip, 8GB/12GB RAM and 128/256GB storage. Realme UI 6.0 (based on Android 15) is also used with various AI features such as AI Ultra Clarity 2.0, AI Snap Mode, AI Eraser 2.0 and AI Livephoto.
The camera system consists of 50MP Sony IMX882 (periscope) + 50MP Sony IMX896 OIS (main) + 8MP (ultra-wide) on the back and a 32MP selfie. The camera also supports three LED Flashes useful for shooting in dim conditions.
Also given focus is the Underwater Photography Mode function as offered on the Oppo Reno13 series. The battery is 6,000mAh and can be charged via 80W SUPERVOOC fast charging. Stereo speakers and IP66/68/69 waterproof rating are also provided as a complement.
The device's finish features technology that can change color according to temperature. The back panel was designed in collaboration with Valeur Designers studio which can change color between pearl white to bright blue when the temperature is below 16°C.
Realme says that the colder the temperature, the faster the finish will change and can even create interesting patterns. The technology uses advanced thermochromic pigments to add unique elements to the device.
Realme 14 Pro is equipped with a 2392×1080 (FHD+) OLED screen with a 120Hz refresh rate. It is powered by the Dimensity 7300 Energy chip, 8GB/12GB memory, 128G/256GB storage and RealmeUI 6.0 software based on Android 15. It also has a 50MP Sony IMX882 OIS + Monochrome main camera followed by a 16MP selfie. The battery is 6,000mAh and can be charged via the 45W SUPERVOOC fast charging system.